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44 438 Pill (White-Round Pill) Uses, Dosage & Warnings

44 438 Pill

About 44 438 Pill (White-Round Pill)

44 438 Pill (White-Round Pill) is a widely used analgesic painkiller containing Ibuprofen (Dye Free) 200 mg as an active ingredient. It belongs to the NSAID class of drugs.

People can take 44 438 Pill (White-Round Pill) by mouth as an oral tablet. They will feel the effect after 20-30 minutes of oral administration.

44 438 Pill
44 438 Pill

44 438 Pill (Whit-Round Pill) is used in the treatment of:

  1. fever
  2. inflammation
  3. headache
  4. menstrual pain
  5. common cold
  6. toothache
  7. back pain
  8. arthritis
  9. sprains
Pill Name44 438 Pill
Active IngredientIbuprofen 200 mg
SupplierLNK International Inc.
Pregnancy CategoryPregnancy Category C
About 44 438 Pill

Some medications, such as cold or flu pills may contain ibuprofen you should be careful while taking these pills concurrently.

Side Effects of 44 438 Pill

Side Effects of 44 438 Pill
Side Effects of 44 438 Pill

Like any other anti-depressant pill, the 44 438 pill also causes some mild to moderate side effects.

However, there’s nothing to worry about them as they are very rare and most people don’t even get it.

The most frequently reported adverse reactions of 44 438 Pill are stomach-related. These are:

Among other likely side effects are:

  • dizziness
  • headache
  • nervousness
  • skin rash
  • tinnitus
  • platelet aggregation
  • prolong bleeding time
  • mask symptoms of infection
  • Na and fluid retention
  • oedema
  • risk for impairment of female fertility.

You should avoid driving or operating any heavy machinery if you feel dizzy or sleepy after taking 44 438 Pill.

Who should not use it?

44 438 pill is not recommended in patients with past history of allergy to any ingredient of 44 438 pill or any other NSAID drugs like Paracetamol, Etoricoxib etc.

Although, most adults can take 44 438 pill without any serious concern there are some precautions or warnings which you should be aware of.

Talk to your doctor if you have:

  • history of ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease;
  • history of bronchial asthma,
  • chronic rhinitis,
  • allergic disease,
  • ischaemic heart disease,
  • peripheral arterial disease,
  • cerebrovascular disease,
  • hypertension,
  • hyperlipidaemia,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • smoking addiction.

You may get most side effects in the first week of administration and the risk is higher if you are taking this pill for a longer duration.

Common Allergic reactions

Some people may have an allergy to the ingredients of 44 438 Pill. Which include:

  • hives,
  • change in skin colour,
  • swelling in the face/tongue
  • trouble breathing

Anyone experiencing these symptoms should stop using this pill.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

44 438 Pill is usually not recommended during pregnancy as it may cause side effects on the fetus.

It is advised to talk with your doctor or pharmacist about the risk and benefits of using the 44 438 Pill during pregnancy.

Drug interactions of 44 438 Pill

Drug interactions of 44 438 Pill
Drug interactions of 44 438 Pill

Drug interaction may change the effect of 44 438 Pill and may produce some undesired effects on you. Hence it becomes necessary to have knowledge about any possible drug interaction of 44 438 Pill.

NSAIDs, oral corticosteroids, and anticoagulants – May increase the risk of ulceration or bleeding.

ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor antagonists, β blockers – 44 438 Pill may reduce the antihypertensive effects of these side effects.

Drugs that may interact with 44 438 Pill include:

  • lithium,
  • methotrexate,
  • aminoglycosides,
  • ciclosporin,
  • tacrolimus,
  • zidovudine,
  • fluconazole,
  • voriconazole.

You should inform your doctor about your current ongoing medications including nutritional or herbal supplements to avoid any further drug interaction.

Food Interactions

  • Food intake decreases absorption rate.
  • May increase the risk of bleeding with Ginkgo Biloba.
  • May increase the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding with alcohol.

Dosage of 44 438 Pill

Dosage of 44 438 Pill
Dosage of 44 438 Pill

It is advised to follow the dose prescribed by your doctor as he/she is the right person to guide you with a suitable dose.

Usually, the 44 438 pill is prescribed once a day. however, your doctor can give you a different dose according to your condition.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is 44 438 Pill?

    44 438 Pill (White-Round Pill) is a widely used analgesic painkiller containing Ibuprofen (Dye Free) 200 mg as an active ingredient. It belongs to the NSAID class of drugs.

  2. 44 438 Pill is indicated in which conditions?

    44 438 Pill (Whit-Round Pill) is used in the treatment of:

    menstrual pain
    common cold

  3. What if I missed any dose of 44 438 Pill?

    In case of any missed dose, take it as soon as you remember it. However, it is recommended to skip the missed dose if it is almost time for the next dose. never take a double dose in case of a missed dose.

  4. Can I drive a vehicle after taking the 44 438 Pill?

    Do not drive a vehicle or operate any heavy machinery if you are feeling sleepy or dizzy after taking 44 438 Pill.

  5. Can pregnant women take 44 438 pill?

    44 438 Pill is usually not recommended during pregnancy as it may cause side effects on the fetus.

  6. Is the 44 438 pill safe?

    Yes, the 44 438 pill is absolutely safe if used as prescribed by the doctor.

  7. Will it affect my fertility?

    There’s no evidence that taking the 44 438 Pill can lower fertility levels in women or men.

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